Article Submissions
Skeptopathy Magazine is looking for articles on pathological skepticism. If you have an article you would like published please send it to:
editor [at]
Currently Skeptopathy Magazine cannot provide monetary compensation to writers as speaking truth to power seldom pays very well.
Submissions should be fact-based commentary or analysis on the subject of pathological skepticism. Exposés of pathological skepticism in mainstream “skeptic” magazines (Skeptic Magazine, eSkeptic, Junior Skeptic, The Skeptic and Skeptical Inquirer) are particularly encouraged.
Submissions should be in Word format (.doc or .docx). All articles should be written in a scholarly format and uncommon facts should be referenced in a footnotes section. The automatic footnotes/endnotes feature in Word is very useful in this respect.
Here’s an example of proper citation:
I am inclined to look at everything as resulting from designed laws, with the details, whether good or bad, left to the working out of what we may call chance.[1]
For example, in 1847 Ignaz Semmelweis was ridiculed to the point of asylum committal for daring to suggest that doctors should wash their hands after handling cadavers to prevent infection in their patients.[2]
1. “Darwin Correspondence Project – Letter 2814 — Darwin, C. R. to Gray, Asa, 22 May (1860)”. 2. 1.De Costa, C. “The contagiousness of childbed fever: a short history of puerperal sepsis and its treatment.” MedJourAustralia, Vol 177, 2/16 December 2002.
Including images with your work is appreciated. The images must either be in the public domain or have permission from the copyright owner to use them. Please include photo credit information and send the images as separate attachments.
Author Bio
Please include a short description of yourself including relevant qualifications along with a profile picture.
Authors maintain copyright ownership of their work. Submitting an article merely grants permission for Skeptopathy Magazine to publish it. Articles published in Skeptopathy Magazine may not be republished without the express authorization of Skeptopathy Magazine and/or the copyright owner. If you would like to republish an article from Skeptopathy Magazine, please email your inquiry to: editor [at]
The views and opinions expressed in articles published in Skeptopathy Magazine are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect those of Skeptopathy Magazine, which seeks to publish a diverse range of perspectives on any given issue. Authors and copyright owners are fully responsible for and legally liable for their own work. While Skeptopathy Magazine makes a good faith effort to ensure the accuracy of information in published articles, it assumes no responsibility or legal liability, express or implied, for the content of any work of the author and/or copyright owner.