If you’ve ever wondered if there is something fundamentally wrong with mainstream skepticism, the mainstream media and society in general you only have to look at how the term “conspiracy theory” is used. This phrase is composed of two terms which by themselves are neutral. The term “theory” in this context simply means a possible explanation. A conspiracy occurs whenever two or more people work together to achieve a nefarious goal. Conspiracies then are ubiquitous in human society. A large portion of our legal system is devoted to conspiracy. Much human history likewise involves grand conspiracies. The Nazi Holocaust for example, is the idea that the Nazis secretly killed millions of Jewish people by gassing them en masse. By putting the two word definitions together to make the phrase “conspiracy theory”, you simply have an explanation for an event that involved people working together to reach a nefarious end. In fact this is precisely the meaning that the phrase “conspiracy theory” referred to before 1963.[1] After 1963, the year of the JFK assassination, the term “conspiracy theory” came to denote a paranoid outlandish impossible belief that people in positions of great power conspired to do something malevolent.
All mainstream “skeptics” use the term “conspiracy theory” to reject outright any claims involving powerful people working together to do bad things. It is also used as a term of ridicule to denigrate a person instead of dealing with their arguments. In effect the term then is what is referred to as a thought terminating cliché. Such a device is used to quell cognitive dissonance or justify fallacious reasoning. Indeed, look at what these “skeptics” are doing. They aren’t dealing with the arguments justifying a conspiracy. They are rejecting outright the argument simply because it involves a conspiracy. In order to reject outright any explanation involving a conspiracy, no conspiracies must ever have occurred. In fact though, history is rife with conspiracies. Countless times psychopathic rulers have waged war on other nations for purely selfish reasons. They conspired to convince their subjects to put their lives on the line in order to benefit their leader. Since grand conspiracies do in fact happen, those who automatically reject any new potential conspiracies are clearly suffering from a serious delusion. They are rejecting evidence-based reality in order to maintain a comforting faith-based belief system.
Every current disparaging use of the term “conspiracy theory” is fallacious. Pronouncing that an argument is false simply because it involves a conspiracy is a bare assertion. Arguments should be evidence-based not faith-based. Dismissively calling a person a “conspiracy theorist” instead of dealing with their argument is an ad hominem. The argument should be attacked not the person making it. Claiming an argument involving a conspiracy is false because it hasn’t been proven true is an appeal to ignorance. Because of this sophist use of the term “conspiracy theory”, every mainstream “skeptic” that uses the term disparagingly is misrepresenting himself as a critical thinker. In other words, they are all frauds.
How did this no conspiracy delusion originate? Before the JFK assassination in 1963, the term “conspiracy theory” was neutral. It simply meant what it should mean: a proposed explanation involving a conspiracy. At this time the term wasn’t denoting a paranoid outlandish delusion that couldn’t possibly be true. Conspiracies are after all very commonplace. The entire history of human civilization is a history of conspiracies. After the Warren Commission report was released amid an outcry of skeptics, the CIA with the help of powerful media interests, instituted a propaganda campaign to turn the term “conspiracy theory” into one of derision.[2] A crucial piece of evidence for this comes from CIA Document 1035-960: “Concerning Criticism of the Warren Report”. This document outlines a strategy of using propaganda techniques to neutralize critics of the Warren Report.[3] In effect, the report documents how to weaponize the term “conspiracy theory”. It details how to “employ propaganda assets” to discredit critics.
The fact that so many of us fell for this and continue to fall for this ongoing propaganda campaign exposes the reality that we are animals. We are possibly the most complex animal on Earth but we are animals. We can be conditioned to believe almost anything just like Pavlov’s salivating dogs were. Conditioning is learning. But learning is not always a positive thing. We can be taught the truth. We can also be taught the most vicious lies.
1. “20th Century Words”, John Ayto, Oxford University Press (December 2, 1999)
2. “Conspiracy Theory in America”, Lance deHaven-Smith, University of Texas Press (April 15, 2013)
3. http://www.jfklancer.com/CIA.html
Michael Fullerton is a software designer based in Vernon BC Canada. His writing explores and exposes pathological skepticism and the corporate pseudo-science it tends to serve. He also has an intense interest in organizational psychopathy, or how psychopaths rise up in organizational structures of all kinds. As a pantheist he strives to be part of the movement to unify spirituality and science.
I would like to point out something regarding “conspiracy”, which is relevant to the case of 9/11 truth. The “conspiracy” in the case of the 9/11 inside job can be one-person wide. In this case, it is not a conspiracy, rather just a plan.
The only person who needs to have malvolent intent to pull of 9/11 is the person in charge of the drills of that day. That person is well known neoconservative figure, who has been likened to the tall phlegmantic villain of a popular 1977 space-opera movie.
Using those drills, and without any co-conspirators, it is possible to stage the entire attack. To do so, you need precisely 4 drills.
1. Live-fly drone drills (put 767 size drones in the air, ostensibly to shoot down)
2. Fake blip drill (muck around with air-traffic computers, inject fake blips, ostensibly to see if the folks can cope with multiple hijackings)
3. Simulate flying planes into the WTC and Pentagon.
4. Fake hijackings on 4 UA and AA flights.
These drills need to happen on the morning of 9/11. Then, to do the attack conspiracy-free, on the day of the drils you simply swap the planes from drill 4 with the drones from drill 1, and use drill 3 to get professional pilots to crash the drones into the building. You use drill 2 to swap the coordinates of the planes and the drones.
It’s very simple, and nobody else needs to be in on it, except the drill coordinator. That’s it.
The only evidence it would leave behind are a bunch of crazy simultaneous drills that seem to mimic the “actual” attack of that day. A simple google search will reveal that a version of all three of drills 1,2,3 were happening that day.
Since there is no explanation for this other than a mind-boggling coincidence, it is logically wrong to deny the inside-job. There is no excuse for these simultaneous drills, the only drills which can be used to stage the attack, to occur simultaneously with a real attack. If you are running drills which can produce the effect at the same time as we see the effect, the proper conclusion is that you are responsible for the effect. It’s like seeing the wires on a levitating magician, and having the magician say “The wires are for safety, the levitation is real”. The wires are not for safety, and the drills were not for practice.
The lack of conspiracy in this case is what is responsible for the flaws in the attack. The drones are not indistinguishable from airliners, so that witnesses and photographs show anomalies in the second WTC plane. The Pentagon plane is a small drone, it is completely off. The lack of conspiracy explains the limited degree of blow-back on the 9/11 truthers, and the inconcievable inability to cover up other Bush-administration nonsense— it’s not like there is a well oiled conspiracy machine here, it’s basically one guy.
The observation that one guy could have pulled it off also means that it is possible to prevent future false-flags of this sort, simply by banning terrorism drills.
The idea above, that there was no conspiracy, is consistent with people’s view that large conspiracies are untenable. There is no need to reject this hypothesis in the face of 9/11, since 9/11 inside job does not require more than one fully clued in participant. The only people who need to be kept quiet afterwards are the pilots who did the simulation, they would know. For this, you can use the post-9/11 extraordinary powers to blackmail or murder these folks. There is testimony to this effect on youtube, but it is only one source, although a usually reliable one.
That’s a very interesting argument Ron. Thanks.
Nope. http://www.csicop.org/specialarticles/show/nope_it_was_always_already_wrong