Mainstream skepticism is for the most part what could be called cargo cult skepticism. The term comes from the practice of ritualistic acts by indigenous peoples. These acts involved the mimicking of the behaviors of colonizers in the hope that […]
Continue reading »Tag: logical fallacies
Vaccines Don’t Cause Autism?
How often have you heard some rabidly smug pro-vaccination fanatic proclaim that “vaccines don’t cause autism”? There are several ways that this statement is wrong. It’s Unscientific No competent conscientious scientists would ever make the claim that “vaccines don’t cause […]
Continue reading »Pseudoskeptic Bigots
A few years ago the great “skeptic” Michael Shermer publicly committed a hasty generalization fallacy[1]. In his tweet he said: ‘Sandy Hook truthers (as bad as 9/11 truthers) vandalize memorial, taunt victim mother claiming it was a “hoax.”‘ What he […]
Continue reading »Proof of Homeopathy?
I don’t know much about the topic of homeopathy. I have really only read mainstream “skeptics” railing about how ridiculous it is. I came across a twitter post by someone called Yvette with the Twitter handle of @TheSciBabe. For some […]
Continue reading »Be Reasonable?
This April I was excited to finally be contacted by a mainstream skeptic podcast inviting me to be on their show. I had contacted just about every such podcast and radio show I could find. The rest either ignored me […]
Continue reading »How I Survived Debates with Two Official 9/11 Story Believers
This spring I was able to secure two online debates with official 9/11 story believers. One with Dave Thomas of New Mexicans for Science and Reason starting in April[1] and the other in June with Dr. Steven Novella of “The […]
Continue reading »Thought Terminating Trolls
Imagine a violent neo-nazi skinhead spewing profanity-laced anti-Jewish statements on a Jewish Holocaust remembrance forum. Internet trolls are a serious problem. Putting it simply, Internet trolls are people that deliberately post offensive comments on-line with the sole intention of upsetting […]
Continue reading »Review: “Chopra Skepticism Fail Part 2”
On November 12 Steven Novella published a review of Deepak Chopra’s follow up article about what Chopra calls “The Rise and Fall of Militant Skepticism”.[1] Novella characterized Chopra as “intellectually superficial and careless, more interested in propping up his particular […]
Continue reading »False Fallacy Fallacy: The Fallacious Straw Man
The false fallacy fallacy occurs when a person’s argument is falsely claimed to be a logical fallacy when it is actually logically valid. This fallacy is a form of straw man argument. A straw man argument occurs when a person’s […]
Continue reading »9/11 Fraud: The Skeptic Emperors’ Missing Clothes
On September 10 2012, I wrote an article exposing what I’m convinced is the scientific fraud of the century.[1] In this article I showed how the official explanation of how the three skyscrapers (WTC 1, WTC 2 and WTC 7) […]
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