Fake skepticism is a scourge. Yet I enjoy discussions with fake skeptics. Why? The same reason an entomologist studies bugs. To others, bugs are excruciatingly stupid, repulsive and boring but for whatever reason, the entomologist has developed a fascination with […]
Continue reading »Tag: logic
Pseudoskeptic Bigots
A few years ago the great “skeptic” Michael Shermer publicly committed a hasty generalization fallacy[1]. In his tweet he said: ‘Sandy Hook truthers (as bad as 9/11 truthers) vandalize memorial, taunt victim mother claiming it was a “hoax.”‘ What he […]
Continue reading »The Shill Gambit Gambit
The Shill Gambit is a type of faulty reasoning in which a person’s argument is dismissed by proclaiming that the person is on the payroll of some agency. Such an argument definitely is fallacious. It is a form of ad […]
Continue reading »Thought Terminating Trolls
Imagine a violent neo-nazi skinhead spewing profanity-laced anti-Jewish statements on a Jewish Holocaust remembrance forum. Internet trolls are a serious problem. Putting it simply, Internet trolls are people that deliberately post offensive comments on-line with the sole intention of upsetting […]
Continue reading »Review: “Chopra Skepticism Fail Part 2”
On November 12 Steven Novella published a review of Deepak Chopra’s follow up article about what Chopra calls “The Rise and Fall of Militant Skepticism”.[1] Novella characterized Chopra as “intellectually superficial and careless, more interested in propping up his particular […]
Continue reading »False Fallacy Fallacy: The Fallacious Straw Man
The false fallacy fallacy occurs when a person’s argument is falsely claimed to be a logical fallacy when it is actually logically valid. This fallacy is a form of straw man argument. A straw man argument occurs when a person’s […]
Continue reading »Skeptic Magazine Can’t Handle the Logic
Skeptic Magazine’s latest bumbling foray into promoting “science and critical thinking through the use of humor, wit, and satire” is the video called “You Can’t Handle the Truther”.[1] The gut bursting irony here is that the video consists entirely of […]
Continue reading »Uncritical Thinking in Support of the Faith-based Official 9/11 Myth
Critical thinking is a vital component of science and of true skepticism. Critical thinking involves conforming to scientific principles and engaging in rigorous logical reasoning[1]. Uncritical thinking then subverts the scientific process and uses illogic, usually in the form of […]
Continue reading »The Argument From Conspiracy Fallacy
The argument from conspiracy fallacy occurs when an argument is proclaimed to be false or suspect solely because the argument involves a conspiracy of some kind. The argument from conspiracy fallacy is an informal fallacy because it does not have […]
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