If you’ve ever wondered if there is something fundamentally wrong with mainstream skepticism, the mainstream media and society in general you only have to look at how the term “conspiracy theory” is used. This phrase is composed of two terms […]
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Skeptic Magazine Can’t Handle the Logic
Skeptic Magazine’s latest bumbling foray into promoting “science and critical thinking through the use of humor, wit, and satire” is the video called “You Can’t Handle the Truther”.[1] The gut bursting irony here is that the video consists entirely of […]
Continue reading »Yep, “Conspiracy Theory” Used to be Neutral – It’s Your Confirmation Bias That’s Wrong
This August 8, Robert Blaskiewicz wrote an article in the Skeptical Inquirer proclaiming that the term “conspiracy theory” had always been used disparagingly.[1] This effort to counter the heretical idea that in the mid 1960’s the CIA initiated a propaganda […]
Continue reading »The Argument From Conspiracy Fallacy
The argument from conspiracy fallacy occurs when an argument is proclaimed to be false or suspect solely because the argument involves a conspiracy of some kind. The argument from conspiracy fallacy is an informal fallacy because it does not have […]
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